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Roar Rampage Depict1 Small Worlds
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Link: Pixel Love
Released: Newgrounds
August 19, 2010
Featured: June 11, 2012
Platform Flash
Control scheme: Keyboard
No. of levels: 31
Data saved: Levels
Genre(s): Platform
Website(s): Newgrounds,

Depict1 is a platformer released on Newgrounds on August 19, 2010. It was featured on Pixel Love on June 11th, 2012. The player's character is trying to escape The Cage.


  • A_key.png X_key.png A or X - Move left
  • D_key.png D or C - Move right
  • J - Jump
  • K - Throw spikes (when obtained)
  • Space.pngSpacebar - Restart the level


The protagonist of the game is trying to escape an area called The Cage. For much of the game, the player is talked to by a character who narrates most levels and will either leave encrypted clues or lie when it talks.

Level 1 - Please Wait[]

Level 1 introduces light beams and takes place in a room containing one to the far right with the player positioned to the far left behind a wall. After the antagonist above lists that the player moves by the arrow keys, the wall will disappear with the player having to use either A and D keys (or X and C) to move instead of the arrow keys, which do actually not affect the player at all. To complete the level, the player must walk into the light beam.

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Level 2 - Reset[]

Level 2 takes place in an identical area to level 1 with the wall disappearing after the antagonist finishes speaking. To complete the level, the player should simply walk into the light beam.

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Level 3 - Suicide[]

Level 3 takes place in an area with the player placed on a tall platform, the light beam directly across, with a sudden drop in elevation between the two. As the antagonist stumbles over the letter "J" while saying "jump", this is an indication that the "J" key makes the player jump and should thus be used, once entering the lowered area, to jump upwards to reach the platform with the light beam and enter it to complete the level.

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Level 4 - Caged[]

Level 4 introduces flaming rats and takes place in a long passage containing a raised bridge-like platform, a single flaming rat beneath it, and a light beam at the far end. To complete the level the player simply needs to travel over the raised platform and into the light beam.

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Level 5 - Trust[]

Level 5 takes place in an area with the player placed in a roughly shaped pit, a flat stretch further ahead containing a flaming rat and a vertical platform extending from the ceiling, and a light beam at the back of the level placed on a raised section. To complete the level, the player needs to jump out of the pit from the right side, wait for the flaming rat to walk away from the vertical platform then jump over the enemy, walk underneath the vertical platform, then ascend the platform the light beam is on and walk into it.

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Level 6 - Goals[]

Level 6 takes place in an area with several pits and a light beam on a raised platform at the far end. In two of these pits are flaming rats with the pit nearest to the player's starting point containing an orange coloured light beam, claimed falsely by the antagonist to be the exit. To complete the level the player simply needs to jump over the pits present or move to the other side of them, ascend the platform containing the light beam at the far end, and walk into it.

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Level 7 - Bottomless[]

Level 7 takes place in an area with the a platform on the far left on which the player is spawned, a platform on the far right containing a high raised platform and a light beam next to it, while the rest of the area is the gap between the two platforms and the space underneath. To complete the level the player needs to walk to the end of the left platform, jump across the gap, then move right onto the raised platform when they appear at the top of the screen after having fallen downwards, and then step into the light beam.

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Level 8 - Level One[]

Level 8 takes place in an area where the player is spawned underneath a platform with an opening to the far left, the platform above having horizontal stretch that extends into a staircase-like structure, a structure near the end of the level attached to the ceiling containing an entrance to a pit below, and a light beam next to a raised platform to the right of the pit. To complete the level the player needs to move left to fall into the opening, then proceed right once they have landed on the above platform, walk off the staircase-like structure into the drop while keeping to the right to landed on the structure attached to the ceiling, then drop into the pit, proceed right while avoiding the flaming rat, and then jump into the light beam.

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Level 9 - Time Limit[]

Level 9 consists of a long open passage ending in a raised platform containing a light beam at the far back, two platforms above the passage containing a flaming rat each and placed horizontally in height, with the protagonists spawned on a raised platform close to the ground at the front of the passage. Despite the level's subtitle, there actually is no time limit for the player to complete the level in. To complete the level the player needs to jump onto the platform above, jump onto the next platform while also avoiding the flaming rats on both platforms, then jump onto the next platform and jump into the light beam at the back.

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Level 10 - Needs[]

Level 10 introduces gems, which are claimed by the antagonist to be valuable. The level's layout consists of the protagonists spawned in a pit on the far left with two small platforms jutting out of the walls above, a light beam placed in a pit on the far right, and a raised section between them with five gems placed in a line in the middle of it. To complete the level the player needs to get out of the pit by way of the steps above to reach the raised section, leap over the gems, and then proceed into the light beam below.

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Level 11 - Hurdle[]

Level 11 consist of the protagonist spawned in a pit on the far left whose elevation rises in sharp sections towards the right; a long horizontal section in the middle containing a pit with a flaming rat, and a long pit containing both a thin raised section with a gem on top and another flaming rat; and a light beam at the very end of the level on a slightly raised platform. To complete the level the player needs to proceed right and jump out of the pit, jump over the first pit with the flaming rat, time their next jump to leap over the gem but not land on the second flaming rat, and then avoid the second flaming rat to jump into the light beam.

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Level 12 - Safety First[]

Level 12 introduces buttons and spikes. The level's layout consists of a long passage with the protagonist being spawned in a pit having a button on a raised platform, another long pit after it containing spikes, and a light beam in a pit at the very end. To complete the level the player can either press the button and proceed across the bridge to the light beam or refrain from pressing it and proceed in the same direction, as the spikes are not harmful.

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Level 13 - Breakthrough[]

Level 13 introduces springs and consists of an area with the protagonist spawned in a deep pit with ledges higher up, a higher pit to the left with gems spread out near the top and a spring on the bottom, a small corridor below this pit with a flaming rat in it, and the light beam on a high platform at the far left with a drop next to it. To complete the level the player should climb out of the pit using the ledges, avoid the gems while dropping into the pit on the left, jump on the spring, and fall through the hole it creates once the flaming rat is a safe distance away. The player should then run left to drop of the platform, move to the right to land on the above platform, and walk into the light beam.

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Level 14 - Reflex[]

Level 14 consists of a long passage with the protagonist spawned in a pit with a button at the far end, a raised area with a button placed in front of a small pit that contains a flaming rat, and a light beam at the far end. To complete the level, the player should press the nearby button and quickly move away to avoid being crushed by a falling block, jump from the block to the above platform, either jump over the flaming rat or press the next button (once again moving away quickly to avoid the falling block), and then continue right to touch the light beam.

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Level 15 - Impossible[]

Level 15 consist of two levels each being long passage with the upper level, where the protagonist is spawned, consisting of raised sections and "L" shaped structures hanging down while the lower level consist of a shallow pit containing spikes, gems placed at intervals above, and a light beam at the very end. To complete the level, the player should proceed left jumping over raised sections and using the "L" shaped structures to get higher when needed, fall off the edge of the upper level to the bottom one, proceed across the pit of spikes, and then jump out of the pit to tough the light beam.

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Level 16 - Antonym[]

Level 16 introduces high jump boots. The level consists of a shallow pit where the protagonist is spawned, a staircase-like structure to the left with high jump boots over the top step, a spring to the right of the pit, a sideways "T" to the farther right which is flanked by a flaming rat above and a row of gems beneath, and a small staircase-like structure at a lower elevation that ends in a shallow pit which contains a light beam. To complete the level the player should proceed left to get the high jump boots, then go jump on the spring, ascend the staircase-like structure, and touch the light beam.

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Level 17 - The End[]

Level 17 consists of a small square room surround by walls, wherein the protagonist is spawned, with a long stretch of wall towards the right that is interrupted by cut-out square sections and ends finally in a two roughly vertical sections with the light beam contained in the far-most one. To complete the level the player should move towards the right wall, jump upwards while keeping to the left to enter a hidden passage, and proceed right till they eventually touch the light beam.

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Level 18 - Not Quite[]

Level 18 consists of a block where the protagonist is spawned, another block to the far right where a light beam is on, and empty space surrounding the area between the two. To complete the level the player should proceed right till they eventually reach the far away block, where they should then touch the light beam.

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Level 19 - K[]

Level 19 consist of a shallow pit of spikes to the far left, a deeper pit of gems a short distance to the right of it, a raised platform to the right of that, and a light beam in a pit to the right of the platform. To complete the level the player should collect spikes from the pit containing them, jump over the pit of gems, fire spikes into the wall to make a ladder by pressing "K", ascend to the raised platform, and touch the light beam.

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Level 20 - Missing Piece[]

Level 20 consist of a pit of spikes placed on the far left, a platform with a button on top placed above near the left wall, two raised sections towards the right that sharply drop off to a line of gems, a flaming dog above the gems with opening at the left that allows access to the gems, a passage beneath that contains a button at the end, and a light beam situated at the far right on a raised platform. To complete the level the player should collect spikes from the pit, fire one spikes to the left wall and mount it to fire another on the raised platform, jump onto the platform, and press the button on top. The player should then go right and fall through the newly opened section, drop into the below passage to press the button contained within it, go to the opening that allows access to the line of gems, and fire spikes at the now present block on the right. From this setup the player should then go to the top of the raised section, drop down onto the "bridge" of spikes, walk across it to reach the platform with the light beam, and then jump onto the platform and touch the light beam.

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Level 21 - Ascend[]

Level 21 consist of a raised area placed in the middle that has a shallow pit with a few spikes and a block barrier over top; a small pit of gems to the right of it with a button placed in a nearby hidden area; two floating dogs to the right of the raised area; and the light beam contained on a raised platform to the far left of the level with a small passage running beneath. To complete the level the player should move right to reach the area before the pit of gems, jump over them to go through the wall into a hidden area, press the button, and return back to the raised area. The player should then drop into the pit to obtain some spikes, go left and jump onto the highest newly created platform, fire spikes forward to create a ladder once the flying dogs have moved downwards, jump onto the bridge, and then ascend the raised platform to touch the light beam.

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Level 22 - Walljump[]

Level 22 consists of a long hallway containing a sharp drop via a spring that leads to high jump boots and two gems at the wall; a slight rise in elevation with a button placed around blocks sealing access to other areas; a pit of spike to the right with a few gems on the ceiling; and a vertical passage above the button that eventually branches right into an area containing the light beam. To complete the level the player should jump on the spring to collect the high jump boots, proceed right to press the button, and collect spikes from the pit. The player should then go beneath the vertical passage, jump upwards and fire a spike in the wall, then jump on the spike and repeat the process to ascend the passage, and finally jump into the branching passage to touch the light beam.

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Level 23 - Drop3[]

Level 23 takes is place in an area where the player is spawned on a ledge, several small platforms with gems in between the gaps are placed to the right, at the far right is a drop where a button and high jump boots are located below, to the left is three pits containing a flaming rat each, and a hallway proceeding left that ends in a shallow pit which then sharply elevates to a platform containing the light beam. To complete the level the player should proceed right and jump from platform to platform, fall downwards (thus equipping the high jump boots), either press the button when the flaming rats are in the middle of the above platform so that they are crushed by falling blocks or proceed forward while avoiding them, and then jump from the edge of the pit on the far left to the light beam and finally touch it.

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Level 24 - Destruct[]

Level 24 consist of the protagonist spawned in front of a shallow pit of spikes, a pit of gems behind the first pit, two sections ahead containing brittle blocks in one part of the right wall, and an area to the right with the light beam placed behind a wall. To complete the level the player should collect spikes from the pit, hop across the gems, fire at the brittle blocks encountered to create openings to the area ahead, fire at the wall in front of the light beam in line with the previous placements of brittle blocks, then move through the newly created opening to touch the light beam.

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Level 25 - Symmetry[]

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Level 26 - Trades[]

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Level 27 - Raids[]

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Level 28 - Maids[]

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Level 29 - Dec--[]

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Level 30 - --Eit[]

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Level 31 - Deception[]

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There are two endings to Depict1 that can be accessed in the final level. If the player chooses to go into the light beam, they will receive the first ending indicating the protagonist has been trapped forever.

Depict1 ending 1

The first ending

If the player bypasses the light beam, defeats the antagonist, and goes into the second light beam encountered, they will receive the second ending indicating they have escaped The Cage.
Depict 1 ending 2

The second ending


  • Flaming rats - Walk back and forth in a set area, harm the protagonists upon contact, and can only be destroyed by falling blocks.
  • Floating dogs - Appear in the air and drift slowly up and down as well as deflect spikes upon contact.
  • Gems - Placed in certain fixed areas and will harm the protagonists upon contact.

Interactive Objects[]

  • Light beams - Appear in one fixed location, generally at the end of the level, and allow progression to the next level upon contact.
  • High jump boots - Are equipped upon being touched and make the protagonist jump lower than normal.
  • Spikes - Appear lining certain areas, are collected upon touch, and can be fired by pressing the "K" key to extend out of walls.
  • Springs - Set in a fixed location, jumping upon one will cause it to be destroyed and an open space to be present directly below.


  • Anytime before the player begins playing the game, it will say "do not press x + c", which is a joke because the antagonist in the game usually lies to the player, meaning they should press x and c (at the same time).
    • Humorously, on level 9, a time limit is present. The antagonist telling the player to immediately escape, as the presence of the timer suggests the player will die if they stay for the duration of the 30 seconds. However, upon waiting out the 30 seconds, the timer actually goes into the negatives, going first to -1, -2, -3, etc..
  • Level 29 and level 30's subtitle appear to be linked together as they form the word "Deceit".
    • Likewise, level 26, 27, and 28's subtitles appear to be linked as all rhyme with each other but have little significance to their levels' setups.

External links[]
